Singing Guide: Anya Marina

Singing Guide: Anya Marina

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Singing like Anya Marina: Tips & Tricks

Are you a fan of Anya Marina's sultry voice and catchy melodies? Do you want to learn how to sing like her and add her unique style to your own repertoire?

In this article, we'll explore some of the techniques that Anya Marina uses to create her signature sound, and share some practical tips and Singing Carrots resources to help you master them.

Warm Up Your Voice

Before you start singing, it's important to warm up your voice. This will help you avoid straining your vocal cords and ensure that you're able to hit all the notes with ease.

One of the best warm-ups to try is Farinelli breathing, which you can find in this video from Singing Carrots. This exercise will help you focus on your breath and support your voice with the right muscles.

Find Your Chest Voice

Anya Marina's voice has a warm, rich quality that's rooted in her chest voice. To sound like her, you'll need to access this part of your vocal range.

Watch this video from Singing Carrots to learn more about how to find your chest voice. Once you've identified it, practice singing some of Anya Marina's chest-heavy songs, like "Satellite Heart" or "Miss Halfway."

Embrace Articulation

Anya Marina's lyrics are witty and poetic, and she brings them to life with crystal-clear diction and crisp articulation. To capture her style, you'll want to focus on your own enunciation.

Check out this article on articulation from Singing Carrots for more tips. You can also try the Finger Bite exercise explained in this video to practice your precision.

Experiment with Twang

Twang is a vocal technique that adds brightness and clarity to your sound, and Anya Marina is a master of using it to her advantage. Try incorporating twang into your own singing to capture her distinctive tone.

This video on how to twang from Singing Carrots is a great resource to get started. Practice singing "All the Same to Me" or "Notice Me" with a twangy edge.

Practicing with Singing Carrots

Singing Carrots offers a wide range of tools and resources to help you improve your singing skills and learn how to sound like Anya Marina. Here are a few resources you can use:


By following these tips and using the Singing Carrots resources, you can learn how to sing like Anya Marina and add her unique style to your own singing. Remember to warm up, focus on chest voice and articulation, experiment with twang, and practice regularly to achieve the best results. Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.